Monday, July 19, 2010

Listen to yoga postures in Sanskrit

So many of you have asked for a way to hear the names of yoga postures in
Sanskrit that I have created a FREE short audio for you to listen to. It reviews standing and seated postures in Sanskrit and then said corresponding English. Here is the link to hear the audio:

Enjoy and be sure to register to follow this blog as I will be posting every week and periodically giving away free yoga related stuff!

P.S. Be sure to check out the last post "Why more women practice yoga then men."


Unknown said...

Yoga classes appeal to the nature of women who enjoy the companionship of friends and working in collective situations. In general, women find satisfaction participating in a process. Yoga classes may not appeal to as many men because they tend to be more solitary, unless they enjoy participating as part of a team. Men are very good at focussing on the product or goal, such as winning a sporting event. I'm oversimplifying the nature of men and women here, but it does have some influence who shows up in the yoga class.

Unknown said...

THank you Howard!
I had no idea the language was in Sanskrit! How interesting!
I liked hearing the words as I couldn't always hear you in class. What would be even more helpful would be to have the words written in sequence. I am a visual learner!

I have been trying to do Sun Salutation in the mornings. Have you heard of the Salutation To the Sun from Sanskrit? I recite this slowly as I complete a few repetitions of Sun Salutation:

Listen to the Salutation to the sun.
Look to this day for it is life,
The very life of life!
For in its brief course lie all the verities and realities of our existence.
The bliss of growth, the glory of action;
The splendor of beauty.
For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision;
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
And each tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day!
Such is the salutation to the dawn.

Sandy Pihowich

Unknown said...

his is major distinction and if you can get it, your life will change dramatically. Stop trying to figure out your problems in a low mood!

ilchi lee best selling author