Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FREE AUDIO – Secrets of Stretching with Howard VanEs

  • The benefits of being more flexible
  • What prevents flexibility
  • The five basic principals of flexibility
  • How muscles stretch
  • Safety Guidelines
  • Ten specific stretching principals and techniques
To get your FREE audio click here

Also be sure to check out the Secrets of Stretching workshop

w/ Howard VanEs Oct 23, 12:15 to 2:15pm

Would you like to safely go deeper into postures than ever you thought you could? Add an easy three to five inches to your forward bends? Bring your heels to the ground in downward facing dog ( if your even near close, you will!)? Go lower and more comfortably into squats?

In this fun and interesting workshop you will learn:
  • The latest in stretching principals and techniques.
  • New and interesting ways for stretching your muscles and joints.
  • How to reduce muscle soreness and reduce the risk of injuries.
  • How not to stretch – the mistakes that make tight muscles tighter.
  • How to safely go deeper into yoga postures.
Benefits of improved flexibility include improved athletic performance,
reduced muscle soreness, reduction of injuries, better circulation, ability to go deeper into your yoga practice, access to more yoga postures, and feeling better in your body.

Where and when: Lafayette Health Club, 85 Lafayette Circle, Lafayette CA 94531,
Ssturday, Oct 23, 12:15 to 2:15pm

Fee and Registration: $35 for pre-registration / $40 day of workshop. Register by sending an email to info@letsdoyoga.com or send your check payable to Letsdoyoga.com, to 4651 Antelope Way Antioch, CA 94531.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So many ways! Here is an example: stop trying to manage your moods! Just let them be, it will shift. If you give your natural nice feeling a chance to return. What are the components of managing? Assessing, analyzing, explaining, projecting, comparing, worrying, rationalizing, etc. You get the drift!

Ilchi Lee Books